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The Billing and order entry module from Samco Power Accounting. Streamlined ordering and shipping provide you the information you need to give your customers the answers they want while maximizing your profitability.Samco Billing offers a fast and easy way for you to enter orders in Samco Power Accounting. Order entry is the lifeblood of your organization. It has never been easier to create quotes, orders and invoices, start growing your business today.
Enter or edit orders and credits directly.
Enter and print quotes for future use.
Add new customers or items ‘on-the-fly’ during invoicing or order entry.
Attach notes to orders.
Use multiple currencies.
Consolidate multiple orders into a single customer order.
Create personalized invoices with predefined forms.
Reduce data entry by linking to Samco Power Accounting modules.
Print picking tickets, shipping labels, waybills with the order or when invoicing.
Calculate commissions for each item.
Display alternate items and availability across multiple warehouses.
View invoice history on demand.
Replenish back-orders as inventory becomes available.
Enter and print multiple lines of text for orders and line items.
Use separate bill-to and ship-to addresses.
Void and track invoices when making changes.
Calculate total weights or volume of an order.
Print various reports, open orders, back orders, histories, void invoices, etc.
Seamless Integration
The Billing process includes many aspects of your business. Samco Billing makes the old, time consuming data entry process and speeds it up by integrating Accounts Receivable and Inventory Management. Reduce data entry and reduce costs. Improve access to inventory data, back orders, in stock items, multiple warehouses to improve customer service. Your business is growing and you need an accounting solution that can grow with it.
Gain Insight
Samco Billing gives you real time information so you can make decisions without guessing if data is current. Built-in notes gives your team the ability to record special information about each order. View full invoice histories on demand so you can answer important questions quickly. View outstanding orders and prioritize inventory replenishment based on ship dates. See problems before they happen, what items are out of stock, which customers have the correct amounts of credit. Keep on top of your orders by getting the information you need when you need it.
Customer Service
Provide your customers with the detail and attention they have come to expect. Use multiple ship dates and warehouses, recurring orders, RMA’s and credit memos, save quotes, improve data entry with Rapid Entry skipping unused fields. Keeping your customer service team efficient and happy means customers will be happy.

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